måndag 20 januari 2014

take a chance or two

Take a chance.
Take at least one. or two.

..do more of what makes you happy.

 Cause the biggest mistake you could ever make is  being too afraid to make one. Right?

A couple of days ago we went out in the garden 
and made beautiful snow angels.
That made me really happy and 
I appriciate the winter a little bit more now...

Tonight I'm going to bake my favourite cookies and take a  midnight walk in the moonlight.

Have a nice evening to you all,

X Miranda Rebecca

måndag 13 januari 2014

We were hoping for spring.

...but the snow fell.

Damn! All we want to do is pull on a singlet and our peacock pants. Walk down the beach with an ice cream in hand... 

...for now we are keeping our thick cardigans and wooly socks on. Holding on to our loved ones in front of the fire. 
Although the Swedish winter is still here, we would welcome summer tomorrow. 


måndag 6 januari 2014

found ourselves hiding in the bird house

2014 has just started.
We want to introduce you to our little sis, Karolin.
She was our model for the shoot today. 
Perfect way to start the year.
Some inspirational pictures for Instagram and our blog.
Usually we have the weather on our side, however, today the wind and rain came in from every angle. 

And yes, we were still doing this shoot... But where?
Weighing up our options we decided to take a walk.
Eventually we stopped at the bird watching tower; which turned out to be the perfect location.

When you don´t plan everything in detail and go with the flow, things fall into place. Like today.
Many thanks to little Karolin.
